Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
Hyperopia or farsightedness is a frequent vision problem. It indicates a refractive error where the eyes focus images behind the retina, leading to blurry vision up close. It is essential to understand this condition, its causes, and the available treatments.
In short, hyperopia occurs when the eye is too short. This causes light rays to converge behind the retina instead of on it. This results in clear vision for objects far away and blurry vision for objects that are close. If you experience difficulties reading or viewing objects up close, you might be experiencing symptoms of hyperopia.
Optiek Dutrannoit is dedicated to providing insights, solutions, and care for all your visual needs.
Although hyperopia can be a common vision problem, our expertise ensures that understanding it becomes simple.
Contact us today for comprehensive care tailored specifically for you.
Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 – 12:30 | 14:00 – 18:30
Saturday: 09:00 – 12:30 | 14:00 – 18:00
Sunday Closed